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(SPLEP043 21/09/2019)

¡Hey Guys!

Another great big show for you folks to enjoy

Delicious drinks from

Sweet tunes from

Mikey Collins

Stanley Kirkby - Murders

Wu-Tang clan - Once upon a time in Shaolin

The theme from FIGHT CRAB

Jerry Van Rooyen - Sandow Office

Emo G - RIP Harambe

Solar Foods

Jan Sloot

Hours Played by @dunkr on twitter

Hail Satan?

Lisa Limone & Maroc Orange


Beach Date



SPLARPY is about FLAT EARTH with info collected from flat earthers on twitter

A Really Lamy Quiz;

We have PRICELESS SPL care packages containing teriffic goodies for a lucky winner

1. ¿How would you make a movie really REALLY small?

As always, please include any relevant schematics, diagrams or dioramas

You can submit your answers to edgar AT sallepierrelamy.com or Twitter @sallepierrelamy or a message on


Here we have a selection of secret satellite pix


Tim W

Here are a few extra bits to clarify things in the show

Malted = sprouted

That Pic of Anish Kapoor

Self heating can




Earths land mammals by weight

Go Animate

And finally but by no means least, the Prince Tattoo FROM MEMORY

Hope you enjoyed the show, send us a message on twitter or something @SallePierreLamy

edgar and Bryce x